Solo Planet
How can singles thrive? Six years in the making, Solo Planet draws on 17 months of fieldwork to provide a first-of-its-kind account of the single life of Christians. From aging to housing, cooking to sexuality, Anna shares how singleness touches all of life for the global church.
Written for whole churches to read together, the book includes practical topics and discussion questions to help singles and married people deepen their shared community. Because when singles thrive in a church, everyone benefits.
Ask your local library to carry it.
Support a Native-owned bookstore:
Alaska only: Buy it through Putu’s Books, an Iñupiaq-owned micro-enterprise. Email putusbooks at gmail dot com to learn about joining the mid-June group order. Pay $15/book when you order five or more copies.
Outside Alaska: Buy it from Green Feather Books, run by Chickasaw citizen Heather Hall. Norman, Okla., readers can also order the book directly through the store.
For a limited time, save 20% when you order through Christian bookseller Hearts and Minds. Details in the March Booknotes.
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Buy Solo Planet from Amazon (affiliate link).
Sexless in the City
What happens when you love God, but you also want to have sex?. In Sexless in the City, a twentysomething urbanite discovers that the Harlequin romances she's read and the jazz standards she’s memorized are little help in her search for that lifelong love. From Phoenix to Berkeley, Singapore and New York, Anna Broadway navigates romantic entanglements with men like the Harvard Lickwit, Hippie the Groper and Ad Weasel — all while trying to decide if the God of her youth is really real and if she can trust him with her love life.
Sexless in the City offers a humorous, yet unflinching look at what it means to obey God in our sexuality, come singleness or marriage.
All quotes in Sexless in the City made possible by the generous permission of the artists and their publishers.
Featured artists
Ric Hordinski (David's co-writer on "Human Cannonball")
Where to buy:
“Spicy and funny.” - Publishers Weekly
Book Chapters
Venus and Virtue
Cascade Books. Edited by Jerry L. Walls, Jeremy Neill and David Baggett.
While popular culture often tends to think of Christianity as negative about sexuality and sexual pleasure, the fact is that Christians have the best of reasons to joyfully celebrate sex as a gift. Unfortunately, there is as much confusion about sex in Christian circles as there is in the culture at large. The authors of this book believe that this confusion can only be adequately addressed by drawing from the deep wells of biblical truth and traditional theology.
Disquiet Time
Jericho Books. Edited by Jennifer Grant and Cathleen Falsani.
The Bible is full of not-so-precious moments, from murder and mayhem, to sex and slavery. Now, an incredible cast of contributors tackles the parts of the Bible that most excite, frustrate, or comfort. Disquiet Time was written by and for Bible-loving Christians, agnostics, skeptics, none-of-the-aboves, and people who aren't afraid to dig deep spiritually, ask hard questions, and have some fun along the way.
Talking Taboo
White Cloud Press. Edited by Enuma Okoro and Erin S. Lane
Volume four of the I Speak for Myself Series. In this collection of courageous essays, American Christian Women under the age of 40 speak the unspeakable as they explore the taboos that still remain at the intersection of their faith, gender, and identity in the 21st-century.
Faith at the Edge
Ave Maria Press. Edited by Angelo Matera.
From—a Catholic website with a cultural, intellectual, and an orthodox point of view—comes this compelling collection of twenty-one unique and powerful personal narratives. Gathering the experiences, fears, and joys of young adult Catholics whose search for faith often puts them on a collision-course with modern society, this anthology explores the mysterious, exhilarating, and sometimes infuriating terrain of faith. These essays give voice to the struggles and triumphs of a new generation of Catholics who are transforming the Church.